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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag Golf Fitness

There are 67 articles associated with the tag Golf Fitness!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 Looking For Golf Swing Teaching Aids? Some Good Ideas To Help You Improve Your Swing There are tons of golf swing teaching aids out there, which can help you get your swing into shape. Before you go on a spending spree, think about what aspect of your swing needs improvement. Understanding your personal golfing strengths and weaknesses is an important first step to getting the teaching aids you need.Do an Internet search and you'll see how much stuff there is out there. Here are a few ideas of the sorts of teaching aids you can buy, and what they can do f...
2. Bookmarks: 11 Why Does Tiger, Phil And Vijay Have Obscene Power? Who doesn’t want to pound the golf ball 300-plus yards? We see PGA Tour players all the time ripping it down the middle of the fairway, and we would all love to do it too. Take a look at the long drive champions pounding it well over 400 yards. Amazing if you ask me. How do they do it? Everyone’s got an opinion on that question, but lets take a look at one part of the equation. The shoulder turn is an integral part of what allows these guys to crank on their drivers. ...
3. Bookmarks: 0 What Does Annika Know About Exercise That You Don’t? Think of your golf game. Visualize connecting with your drive and sinking your putt. Now think of exercise and how it relates to your golf game. Do you do a total body workout several times per week? Do you have a tailored fitness regimen that pays special attention to certain muscle groups? Do you even exercise at all?
4. Bookmarks: 7 What Can Be S.A.I.D. About The Golf Swing? Probably the question that first comes to your mind when you read this title is: what is S.A.I.D. and how does it help my golf game? The reality is that S.A.I.D. is very connected to your golf swing and is a very important principle if you want to hit the ball farther and lower your scores.
5. Bookmarks: 0 Using A Golf Fitness Video Will Save Time And Improve Your Game Using a golf fitness video is a great alternative to going to a gym. Just think of the time you’re saving not worrying about what you where or how you look; or driving 20 to 30 minutes to your local gym; and then showering, changing and getting back home.
6. Bookmarks: 8 To Get Better Feel In Your Golf Swing, You Need A Golf Fitness Program Probably what separates the PGA Touring pro and the amateur golfer is “feel.” Every pro I know can “feel” where the club and clubhead are at any point during the swing. Not an easy task, especially for the weekend golfer. Many amateurs struggle with the idea, concept, or understanding of how to develop “feel” for the swing. It is a process that requires time, patience, and practice. Part of the process of developing “feel” for the golf club is through...
7. Bookmarks: 0 The Perfect Golf Swing Through Improved Posture And Balance Every golfer is continually in search of that elusive feel of the perfect swing. Books are written on the topic. Instructional videos promising the “secrets of the perfect swing” sell like hotcakes by mail order and on the internet. Everyone everywhere wants to know what they need to do to swing like the pros.
8. Bookmarks: 10 The Best Golf Fitness Exercise To Improve The Power In Your Golf Swing The game of professional golf has transformed over the years. Many spectators, journalists, and pros themselves state that golf is now a game of power. Driving distance is integral to winning on Tour, club manufacturers gear much of their advertising around the “power game”, and it is a wish of most every amateur.Improved distance off the tee or with any club on the course requires increased clubhead speed. Clubhead speed is a product of power in your golf swing. Increasi...
9. Bookmarks: 0 The Best Golf Fitness Exercises For The Quickest Results Golf fitness exercises that are the most effective are rotational in nature, incorporating your core. This is the engine to your swing! If your core is weak or restricted, you will have a very difficult time generating clubhead speed and power at impact.
10. Bookmarks: 0 The Best Golf Exercises Are Very Simple The best golf exercises are not complicated; you don’t need to be a member of a gym; and you don’t need thousands of dollars in equipment. Yes…there are new golf fitness machines coming out in the market that look respectable, but they want an arm and a leg for them.
11. Bookmarks: 10 There’s A Better Way To Improve Your Golf Game! How many of you have gone to the local pro shop or golf store, bought the latest and greatest club, and found that it did not help your scores at all?I imagine all of us can say yes to this question at some point in our golfing careers. The reality of this situation is that new clubs will not necessarily improve your game. Don’t get me wrong! I enjoy getting new clubs just like you. I get all excited when I get a new driver, putter, or even golf balls and cannot wait to h...
12. Bookmarks: 0 Squaring The Golf Club At Impact, The Rotator Cuff, And Golf Fitness We all know the clubface must be square at impact and the club releases thereafter. Generally speaking a large amount of golf swing mechanics center upon returning the clubface to square at impact. Additionally, the golf swing is a “total body” movement incorporating every joint in the body. In order for the clubface to be square at impact all of these joints must work in coordination to allow this to occur.In relation to the body, specific muscles are very active in retu...
13. Bookmarks: 0 Senior Golfers Increase Swing Speed It is widely known that with increased age comes a decrease in flexibility. This is why so many golf fitness programs emphasize stretching and increasing range of motion for senior golfers. It has also been well documented that senior golfers between the ages of 55 and 79 can increase their drive distance and enhance their overall golf performance by engaging in a safe and effective golf conditioning program.
14. Bookmarks: 8 Save The Body Sway For The Dance Floor, Not In Your Golf Swing Body motion in the swing is necessary, but too much of a good thing can wreak all kinds of havoc with your golf swing.I received a question over the weekend from a BioForce Golf subscriber about “body motion” in the swing.The question from our subscriber asked how not to fall into the trap of too much movement backwards during the golf swing.What we are really talking about is weight transfer during the golf swing.Too much weight transfer onto the back foot du...
15. Bookmarks: 0 Quick Golf Tips for Restoring Muscle Imbalances As a golf biomechanic, my focus is on looking for areas of poor flexibility and muscle imbalances which effect the mechanics of the golf swing and create opportunities for the body to break down in injury. Each of these situations presents possibilities for improvement in your swing as well as keeping the body in an injury free state.
16. Bookmarks: 0 Perform Better Golf With These Fitness Tips Everyone wants to be able to perform better golf, and with these three tips you’ll be on your road to becoming a better golfer.
17. Bookmarks: 0 Making Your Program Golf Specific Golf-Specific means different things to different people. One of the things I have learned from my education and experience in working with elite trainers and golfers is that in order to improve someone's performance you must know where their strengths and weaknesses currently exist. This is, of course, the real value of assessments. If you look at the requirements of the golf swing itself, a golfer needs adequate spinal rotation, hip rotation, shoulder rotation, core engagement, some deg...
18. Bookmarks: 0 It's Not About The Bicep Curl When It Comes To Golf Fitness Training How many of you have read, It's Not About The Bike by Lance Armstrong? What we learned about Lance's life is that his mission is all about survival, digging deep from within, honoring your goals and commitments, and following your dreams in spite of the often difficult road to the top.
19. Bookmarks: 10 Is Golf Practice All You Need for Lower Scores? Golf is a very demanding sport, both physically and mentally. Most recreational golfers would love to have a more powerful swing and lower their handicaps. Good instruction from a teaching pro and practice of what you’ve learned can help lower your scores. There is however, more to achieving consistent improvement. It’s great to go to the driving range and practice. Unfortunately, sometimes you’re further embedding the wrong movement patterns into your swing.
20. Bookmarks: 0 In Home Golf Fitness Is Easy and Convenient In home golf fitness can be more effective than belonging to a gym, paying monthly dues, and dealing with all the “muscle-heads”. Many golfers think they need fancy golf fitness equipment or a gym membership to be successful with their golf improvement program.
21. Bookmarks: 7 Increase Your Golf Swing Clubhead Speed With A Golf Fitness Program! Imagine hitting your driver farther in your 40’s than when you were in your 20’s!I imagine a few of you are saying, “No way!”Read this article to be convinced otherwise. I received an e-mail from one of our BioForce Golf subscribers about the amazing change in his clubhead speed.He wrote in about how excited he was that his clubhead speed had improved to a speed higher than when he was in his early twenties! He stated that currently his clubhead speed is between 1...
22. Bookmarks: 11 Improve Your Hands And Improve Your Golf Swing It seems as though many golfers are unaware of the importance the hands play in the execution of the golf swing. Obviously, we know that the hands grip the golf club and attach the body to the club. But what is the importance of them during the swing? The answer has to do with releasing of the club. Let’s go back and do a quick golf biomechanics review. During the swing, from address position to follow-through, the hands are active in a passive type of manner. Let me ...
23. Bookmarks: 7 Improve Your Golf Swing With Keeping Your Golf Club On The Correct Swing Plane We as golfers have heard the term swing plane many times during our golfing careers. But do we really know the definition of it and the bearing upon our golf swing? Recently, I had a conversation with Dean Reinmuth (top 30 teaching pro ranked by Golf Digest) and I think he described swing plane the best. Dean suggests to think of the swing plane as an imaginary circle. The imaginary circle that represents the swing plane is set at an angle. It is the path on which it is n...
24. Bookmarks: 0 Improve Your Golf Swing By Focusing On Your Finish Position Watch the pros on Tour and notice how in-control they look at the finish position of the their golf swing. Why? Because they are! They are in perfect balance. Even the pro who might look a little “crooked” at the end of the swing has a balanced swing. Vijay, who is slightly bent to the side at the finish position of his driver, is still in perfect balance. How often do you think an amateur practices or even thinks about his or her finish position? Probably never. I wo...
25. Bookmarks: 0 Hydration Tips for the Golf Course Since golf is a warm weather sport – and often a hot weather sport – ensuring that you are properly hydrated is essential. If you don’t drink enough water, your body is not going to perform as well as it should and your golf game is sure to suffer.
26. Bookmarks: 0 How To Warm-Up For Your Golf Game In 5 Minutes With Golf Fitness Stretches It is well known that in every professional sport athletes perform a series of flexibility exercises and drills to prepare them to play a game. The game of golf is no different. Unseen to the general public, many PGA Tour players perform a series of golf flexibility exercises to prepare them to play golf. It is done prior to hitting the driving range or putting green. It is a process of getting the muscles and joints of body ready to swing a golf club. Most every golfer on th...
27. Bookmarks: 11 How To Set Up A Golf Fitness Program To Improve Your Golf Game Professional golfers on the PGA Tour understand the connection between golf swing mechanics and the body. The most notable players in the world have regimented golf fitness programs they adhere religiously too. The benefits of such programs have been well documented in the media. Press clippings from Tiger Woods, Vijay Singh, and Phil Mickelson all refer to golf fitness exercises being a component of their regular practice schedule.The amateur can learn a lot from the pro...
28. Bookmarks: 15 How To Prevent Your Golf Swing From Breaking Down With Golf Fitness Exercises It happens to all of us. We loose our golf swing, make some type of unknown modification in how we swing the club, and everything falls apart. What can we do to prevent our golf swing from leaving us?Remember this saying as you continue to read this article; “Proper Preparation Precedes Success and Confidence”. Think about this phrase for a moment and then keep reading.I write about this subject because of an e-mail I received from a fellow golfer. The e-mail read:...
29. Bookmarks: 2 How To Optimally Prepare For The Golf Season With Golf Fitness Exercises The PGA Golf Tour is in full swing and for many parts of the country and world the golf season is upon us. Many of you are anxious to dust off the golf clubs and get out to the golf course for your first round of golf. A question that may be on your mind is how do I get ready? How do I knock off 6 months of rust on my golf swing, feel comfortable with my driver on the first tee, and post a good golf score at the end of the round?All questions that are asked often in the w...
30. Bookmarks: 0 How To Improve Your Golf Swing with Fitness Training Do you want to put more Power into your golf swing to hit farther? Read about how to start a fitness training program today and build the power for your swing tomorrow.
31. Bookmarks: 5 How To Implement Golf Fitness Exercises Into Your Golf Swing Improvement Program Over the last few weeks at BioForce Golf, we have had many questions about golf fitness exercises.Questions such as: are these type of exercises beneficial to someone who has had a lower back injury, what are the best types of exercises to improve my clubhead speed, and what flexibility exercises can improve my back swing?Through many of our free daily golf tips on our website, we have provided answers to these questions and many more. One area of golf fitness I get q...
32. Bookmarks: 4 How To Get Rid Of Tension In Your Golf Swing I think we have all been there. You are staring down a long par 4 from the tee box. The fairway is lined with trees on both sides. The landing area is “tight” and hitting 3 wood or iron is not an option, the hole is too long.You pull out driver and tee up the ball, knowing to win the skin with your buddy you have to land this tee shot in the fairway. You take a few practice swings, address the ball, look down the fairway (it looks a little tighter than before), begin your...
33. Bookmarks: 4 How To Cure Your Slice By Developing A Better Golf Swing The slice is probably one of the most common swing flaws for amateurs. It is an outside-to-inside swing path that creates side spin on the golf ball. The side spin causes the ball to cut hard to the side, making it a very frustrating day on the course. It also seems to be one of the most difficult swing flaws to fix. There have been hundreds of so-called golf training aids that guarantee to cure your slice. And I am sure we have all bought or thought about buying one ...
34. Bookmarks: 4 How To Choose A Golf Fitness Trainer I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve been asked this question during my travels around the country and world on the golf circuit; “Sean, I am looking for a golf fitness trainer in my area, what do you suggest?” Finding a golf fitness trainer for you, simply takes a little knowledge and time on your part. Bottom line there are thousands of fitness experts, personal trainer, instructors, and conditioning coaches available to you. Some are more qualified than ot...
35. Bookmarks: 0 How Important Is A Golf Fitness Program A golf fitness program can make the difference between you optimizing your golf potential or playing the same frustrating golf you may be used to playing. It’s no secret that the body swings the club and plays the game…so why wouldn’t you consider a golf fitness program to play your best? A golf fitness program consists of strength, flexibility, endurance and even nutrition. But the big difference is making your golf fitness program as golf-specific as you can.
36. Bookmarks: 0 How Do The Wrists Release In The Golf Swing The perfect golf swing is not just in the shoulders or the arms. The way your wrists release during your golf swing can have a major impact on the ball. So, how do the wrists release in the golf swing?If you don't release the swing at the wrists just right, you may end up with a slice. This is what most beginners, and quite a few pros, often do. Of all the culprits that might be ruining your game, you may not think to blame those harmless old wrists. Let's take a look at ...
37. Bookmarks: 0 How Do The Golf Pros Train? Before any golfer, pro or otherwise, picks up a club, they look at the capability of their body versus the requirements of the swing.
38. Bookmarks: 0 How A Golf Trainer Can Help Take Your Game To The Next Level Having a golf trainer in your corner to give you guidance, motivation and ongoing, cutting-edge golf fitness information will put you leaps and bounds above your playing partners and competitors.
39. Bookmarks: 0 How A Golf Fitness Book Can Transform Your Game There are so many “so-called” golf fitness books on the market; but when you open them up you see dozens of pictures of golf models sitting on exercise machines in the gym. This is NOT a golf fitness book, this is a book pertaining to “general” fitness, but with the title revised to catch the golfers eye. In my mind, this is a little deceptive and can frustrate the consumer.
40. Bookmarks: 0 Have A Golf Fitness Expert In Your Home The term golf fitness expert has grown in popularity for the last few years thanks to Tiger Woods, Annika Sorenstam, Vijay Singh and many other tour players. They all have a golf fitness expert who actually travels with them to every tournament to keep them in top shape throughout their season. Most of you don’t have the luxury to have a golf fitness expert one time, let alone 3 to 5 times a week, every week. This would cost in the thousands of dollars every month.
41. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Swing Flexibility Exercises That Will Add Distance Quickly Golf swing flexibility exercises that are the most effective are not what you read in all the “so-called” fitness for golf books. I make this bold statement because I bought every golf fitness book and was so disappointed I wrote my own Ultimate Golf Fitness Manual.
42. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Fitness Training Made Easy…And Anyone Can Do It Golf fitness training might sound grueling, sweaty and a lot of work! Doesn’t have to be that way. Now of course I’d be lying to you to say it’s easy and you won’t have to make a small commitment, and stick with it to see results.
43. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Fitness Training Equals Great Golf If you’ve watched any golf on the television you’ve no doubt heard the commentator’s mention golf fitness training. It’s no secret that 95 percent of professional golfers are doing some for of golf fitness training.
44. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Fitness Helps You Play Your Best Golf Typically you’ll hear a group of golfers all talking about the newest technology and what club or which ball they need to improve their golf game. We all want to believe that the newer golf technology will get us to the next level of play. While there may be some truth to the theory, more emphasis is being placed on fitness for golf. Many players are now accepting the fact that by conditioning the body on a regular basis, they create an opportunity for more optimal play.
45. Bookmarks: 7 Golf Fitness Helps Generate More Speed In Your Swing! The golfing industry speaks about clubhead speed constantly. We see advertised in the golf magazines all the time. We hear about it on the Golf Channel endlessly Clubhead speed is more a result of what you do with the golf club than an entity of its own. A driver is not going to generate clubhead speed on its’ own! Someone has to swing it! Clubhead speed is contingent upon swing speed. Swing speed is directly related to the person swinging the golf club. So the questi...
46. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Fitness Exercises To Help Your Short Game The connection between golf fitness exercises and the short game often times goes unnoticed. It is usually thought golf fitness exercises help us generate more clubhead speed, add more distance to our drives, hit longer iron shots, and play more consistently from the fairway. In this mix of benefits the short game is often lost when discussing golf fitness. Believe it or not golf fitness exercises can benefit your short game in a big way.The idea of golf fitness exercises...
47. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Fitness Evaluation Is The First Step Towards Improving Your Game Golf fitness evaluation can be an invaluable tool in helping any golfer to assess where they currently stand and thus help them reach a decision of what they can do to improve. It is now an accepted fact amongst golf experts that an improvement in golf fitness almost always means an amazing improvement in the quality and standard of play by any golfer, whether in the junior level or a senior citizen, and irrespective of whether they are male or female.
48. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Fitness Equipment For Your In-Home Program Golf fitness equipment can be a variety of pieces; but what truly is golf fitness equipment? You’d be surprised to find out it is not expensive; and is not necessarily in a gym or health club either.
49. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Fitness DVD: Improve Your Game In Your Living Room Plugging in a golf fitness dvd is a great alternative to relying on yourself for motivation and consistency. The dvd craze has caught on with golfers of all ages and abilities. Golf instruction dvds have been very popular, but now golf fitness dvds are coming into their own.
50. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Exercise And Stretch Program For Total Golf Performance Golf exercise and stretch. This is a combination I use in all of my golf fitness programs both online and with my personal golf clients. It’s the ultimate combination to improve the golfers swing quickly and efficiently.
51. Bookmarks: 0 Golf Drills To Improve Your Game Many people believe that simply getting out on the course and playing as often as they can is practicing their golf game. While playing often does help you improve, to really see improvement you need to perform golf drills that will target very specific components of your game so you can improve them. Just getting out on the course means you could just be “practicing” the same errors, drills focus on golf mechanics and will fix those errors.
52. Bookmarks: 0 Effective Golf Fitness Equipment Golf fitness equipment is designed to help a golfer build strength in certain muscles so as to improve their golf game and lower their scores. The problem is that there are so many different golf fitness equipment in the market these days that it is difficult to identify the really effective ones and the duds or inappropriate ones. The situation is hardly helped by the fact that clever marketing is usually put to use in promoting a vast majority of golf fitness equipment.
53. Bookmarks: 0 Do You Want To Play Par Golf? The key to playing par golf is to focus on more than just golf techniques, and pay attention to your entire body. Fitness is key to any sport, whether you’re running up and down a basketball court, throwing a football or playing the links. Without a proper fitness routine, your body is not going to be able to deliver the results you need.
54. Bookmarks: 0 Develop The Correct Golf Swing For Women With Golf Fitness Training The woman golfer has a myriad of questions on how to develop the correct golf swing as does most any amateur. The questions from woman golfers center on a myriad of topics such as; how to hit the golf ball farther, how to develop a more repeatable golf swing, how do I hit half shots with my wedges, what are good putting drills? The list can go on and on in relation to the woman golfer and how to improve their golf swing. An area that is now presenting more and more questions ...
55. Bookmarks: 0 Correcting Golf Swing Problems - A Few Basic Tips You've been playing golf forever and you still stink when you're out on the green. You've got all the necessary gear, all the training stuff, and you've watched videos and tutorials online. So, what's the problem?Even if you play golf as a hobby, you'll always need to be concerned with correcting golf swing problems. There's nothing more rewarding than noticing that you're scores are getting lower. You'll gain more confidence and feel better about your game.Here are s...
56. Bookmarks: 0 Components Of A Golf Exercise Program Golf exercise program - with the exploding number of so-called golf fitness experts these days, it becomes very confusing. It's easy for a golfer to be misled and end up in a program that will hardly have the desired objective of improving their game.
57. Bookmarks: 0 Can A Golfer Do Without Golf Fitness And Exercise Just how important is golf fitness and exercise to a golfer today in the modern game? Can a good amateur or even professional golfer do without it and still maximize their potential?
58. Bookmarks: 0 Benefits of A Golf Fitness Stretch Trainer Hardly any professional worth his name today will dare approach their game without a golf fitness stretch trainer of sorts. The game of golf has changed tremendously in recent times. No longer is it viewed as the leisure sport of old. Golf is now recognized as an athletic sport where performance depends a lot on your fitness level. Thus the wide introductions of golf fitness stretch trainers and training.
59. Bookmarks: 0 A Golf Fitness Tip Must Focus On The Golf Swing There is no way that you can separate a good golf fitness tip from a good well executed golf swing. The golf swing is the most strenuous aspect of the game and a good golf fitness tip is one that helps you improve on your golf swing.
60. Bookmarks: 0 A Golf Fitness Exercise Program Will End Your Frustration On The Course Even as you read this article, golf fitness exercise programs continue to positively revolutionize the games of many golfers around the country and indeed around the world. A golf fitness exercise program plays a major role in helping many golfers achieve consistent and good results on the course with their swing.
61. Bookmarks: 0 A Golf Fitness Coach Equals Great Golf Golf fitness coach. Have you ever considered one…and if so, what exactly were you looking for? There are many ‘general fitness’ trainers trying to get a piece of the golf fitness and training market that seems to be rapidly gaining exposure both on the television and in print thanks to Tiger, Vijay and Annika.
62. Bookmarks: 0 A Few Golf Tips From Tiger Woods Tiger Woods is the undisputed king of professional golf. With a smooth technique you could set your watch by, he makes winning those championships look like a walk in the park.Imagine if you could sit with Tiger for a few minutes and pick his brain to help improve your game. Here are some great golf tips from Tiger Woods.It's All About RhythmEvery player has their own natural rhythm. Some players are energetic and full of motion; others are stoic and deep in conce...
63. Bookmarks: 0 A Closer Look At Tiger Woods Golf Swing Golfers didn't used to focus so much on fitness as part of their golf training. It seemed unnecessary to spend your time doing stretches and exercises that worked out parts of the body that weren't golf-specific.Then, along came a 20-year-old kid who blew all these old golfers out of the water, hitting 180 mph balls off the tee. The era of Tiger Woods had come.Suddenly everyone wanted to unlock the secrets of the Tiger Woods golf swing. It was obvious he had a diffe...
64. Bookmarks: 0 5 Ways To Make Your Golf Fitness Program More Functional Many of the top touring professionals know that winning on the tour today takes much more than a great game of golf. The field is far too competitive to leave any of the key contributing elements to chance. Preparing their bodies for play is a critical component to a golfer’s success under the most competitive conditions.
65. Bookmarks: 0 3 Key Elements to a Golf Specific Fitness Program Many of the top touring professionals know that winning on the tour today takes much more than a great game of golf. It means understanding every aspect of their physical and mental being and what factors influence their performance. Gain a competitive edge in your next round by integrating these three key elements into your current fitness program.
66. Bookmarks: 0 2005 US Open Winner - What Does It Take? As the 2005 US Open began in Pinehurst, NC, the name Michael Campbell wasn’t being touted as likely to finish first. Michael had attempted in four previous Opens and had not survived the weekend. Fortunately his final round of 1 under 69 gave him the two stroke lead he needed to earn a victory over the top ranked player in the world, Tiger Woods. How did Michael keep his composure with Woods making a charge on the back nine? Was it sheer confidence? Skill? Just what was the winning com...
67. Bookmarks: 0 10 Ways to Increase Your Energy Instantly with a Golf Performance Diet A golf conditioning program should always be accompanied by a solid golf nutrition plan. In essence, what you eat determines how you play. So, which foods produce champions and which foods hinder play? Let me give you a few hints.

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